How fast is DB Doc

DB Doc is our PostgreSQL database schema documentation tool, and we recently had the opportunity to work on a fairly large production database.  The database had 7 schemas, containing over 800 tables, over 17000 columns in total, 300+ sequences, and 350+ functions.  DB Doc was ran on the server with a single Intel I5 3 GHz CPU, and the disks were consumer-grade SATA disks.

To read the entire database schema, DB Doc took 15 seconds.  To generate the HTML documentation, which comprised over 1600 HTML pages, took 7 seconds.

7 seconds!

That means it took DB Doc less than 30 seconds to read the database schema and generate a 1600 page HTML report documenting that database.

To generate a PDF report that contained almost 11000 pages took 3 minutes 45 seconds.

11000 pages in 3 minutes 45 seconds!

Understandably, we are very proud of what we have achieved with DB Doc.  If you have a PostgreSQL database that DB Doc seems to be having problems documenting, please do drop us a line at  We’re pumped to improve on the above numbers even further!

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