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About SQL Data Sets
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Getting started
Creating a result set package
Opening and using a SQL Data Sets package
Using SQL Data Sets
Connecting to a database server
Conecting to databases directly without client libraries installed
Connecting to an Oracle database
The SQL workspace
SQL editor
Data sets
HTML export
Adding and viewing notes
Viewing images
Creating a package
Exporting to a SQLite database
Using SQL Data Sets Viewer
Opening a package
Local queries
Local SQL commands and functions

Opening and using a SQL Data Sets package

From the earlier example, you would now have created a SQL Data Sets package. You can now open the package file using SQL Data Sets, or the free SQL Data Sets Viewer.

Select the File > Load SQL Data Sets package menu item,


or click on the Load SQL Data Sets package
toolbar item.

Select the package file you created earlier.


Enter the password you entered to protect the package with.


SQL Data Sets opens the package file, and displays the 2 data sets contained in that package. The comments that we entered earlier are also displayed in the SQL workspace.


If we open the second data set, the note that we saved earlier for ProductID 168 is also displayed as a hint.


If we select that cell, the note is displayed in the Notes


We can still run queries against the result sets, without having to connect to any database server. Here, we are running a query that shows us the aggregate order quantity grouped by territory.


And that's it with regards to opening and using a SQL Data Sets package. There is still much more your users can do with a package, like exporting the data sets, running local queries across multiple data sets, viewing and exporting binary data, and even creating their own packages.