SQL Data Sets - Online help Prev Page Prev Page
About SQL Data Sets
Version history
Supported database engines
Contact us
Getting started
Creating a result set package
Opening and using a SQL Data Sets package
Using SQL Data Sets
Connecting to a database server
Conecting to databases directly without client libraries installed
Connecting to an Oracle database
The SQL workspace
SQL editor
Data sets
HTML export
Adding and viewing notes
Viewing images
Creating a package
Exporting to a SQLite database
Using SQL Data Sets Viewer
Opening a package
Local queries
Local SQL commands and functions

The SQL workspace

Once you have established a connection to a database, SQL Data Sets creates a SQL workspace.


The left panel displays the connection details, and also a list of database tables and views.


The main panel is divided into 2 areas. The top panel is where you enter your SQL queries, and the bottom panel displays the results of the queries. See this topic for further details.


The right panel is subdivided into 3 panels. The top panel displays a summary of your queries, i.e. the number of data sets returned and the number of rows for each data set.


The middle panel is where notes are displayed and entered. See this topic for further details.


The bottom panel displays any images that may be contained in the data set. See this topic for further details.
