SQL Image Viewer online help Prev Page Prev Page
About SQL Image Viewer
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User Guide
System requirements
Editor command selection
Exporting large number of images
Reference Guide
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Connect to Database
Connecting to databases directly without client libraries installed
Connecting to an Oracle database
Connecting to a DB2 database
General options
Thumbnail options
Hex view
The work area
SQL editor
Other binary data
Image viewer
Hex viewer
Export items wizard
Post-processing Office files
Image options
File naming convention
Datetime format specifiers
Command line interface
Parameters, logs and exit codes
Advanced options
CROP option
Expired trial
Invalid licenses
Unidentified images or binary data
DICOM images
Hidden Excel worksheets

Export Items Wizard

The Export Items Wizard allows you to export all the images and binary data from the existing or new query to disk. You start the Wizard by clicking on the Export to disk export button.

Select image source
You can export images in one of 2 ways:  
· using the results of the existing query  
· using the results of a new query  
See this guide on why you may want to use a different query during the export process.  
If you want to use a new query, select the Use result set from this query option and enter your new query.  
The Batch size value is the number of rows that SQL Image Viewer retrieves each time from the database. If the query returns very large images, it is better to use a smaller batch size value in order not to overload the system memory. If the query is retrieving only small images, it may be more efficient to use a larger batch size. Presently, this value is only available when connected to SQL Server databases.  

Select items to export


You can choose the type of items to export, which include images and other binary file types. For Microsoft Excel and Word files, there are other options you can select to post-process the exported files. To do this, click on the Office post-processing options button.  
You can also choose to export the results of the query to an Excel spreadsheet or text file, by selecting the Export data to Excel spreadsheet and/or text file option.  
In cases where you want to export HTML, RTF and XML content but they are stored in text columns, select the Scan text columns for HTML, RTF, and XML content item. SQL Image Viewer will then export any HTML, RTF, and XML content it finds in your text columns.  
Select image processing options
If you choose to export images, you can apply one or more image processing functions to each exported image. To do this:  
- select a processing function from the list of available functions  
- enter the function's values  
- click the Preview button to view the effect on the image  
- click Add to add the function to the list of functions to apply to each image  
If you have added multiple functions to apply, each function will be applied in the order that they appear in the list. You can reorder functions in the list, or delete unnecessary functions. 

Applies a Gaussian blur filter with specified radius.
Brightness, Contrast, Saturation
Modifies the brightness, contrast and saturation.
Increases or decreases the image color count.
Colorize sets hue and saturation for all pixels of the image. It also changes the luminosity using this parameter as a multiplicator to increase or decrease the luminosity.

Hue assumes values between 0 and 359 (corresponding to 0..359 degrees around hexcone).

Saturation assumes values between 0 (shade of gray) to 99 (pure color).

Luminosity is 1 when you don't touch the original luminosity.
Flips the image horizontally or vertically.
Converts the image to a grayscale image.
Inverts all colors of the image.
Remove metadata
Removes all metadata associated with the image. For jpeg images, this removes all EXIF metadata, which reduces the size of the image.
Resizes the images based on:
· a percentage of the original image  
· absolute pixel sizes  
· longest side pixel size  

Rotates the current image (negative or positive degrees).

Image processing functions will not be applied to multi-frame images e.g. multi-frame TIFF files and animated GIFs.

Select image options

Folder to export images to
Enter the name of the folder to store the images in. You can also use values of text or numeric columns that were retrieved as part of the SQL query, to dynamically generate folders depending on those values.

For e.g. if your query is something like this:

SELECT category, imagename, imagedata FROM ...

You can choose to group the images by the 'category' value, using the following value for the folder name:


File naming convention
Enter the file naming convention to use for each image file that is created.

The file naming convention can use system attributes, like the record number or column number. It can also use image attributes, like the image width, height and size. Lastly, it can also use the values of text columns that were retrieved as part of the SQL query.

Click on the ... button to open the File Naming Convention dialog to easily set up the naming convention.

Overwrite existing images
Select this option if any existing image file of the same name should be overwritten with the current image.

Generate unique names for duplicates
Select this option when your naming convention may result in duplicate file names, and you want SQL Image Viewer to adjust the file name to make it unique.

SQL Image Viewer does this by appending a number after the file name.

Image type
Select original type if you want to save the images in their original format.

Select Don't append extension
if the naming convention you enter already contains a valid file name complete with the right extension.

Select selected type
if you want to save the images in a specific format. If you select the JPEG or PNG image types, you can adjust options for those types.


Select binary data export options


Folder to export items to
Enter the name of the folder to store the binary files in. You can also use values of text or numeric columns that were retrieved as part of the SQL query, to dynamically generate folders depending on those values.

For e.g. if your query is something like this:

SELECT category, imagename, imagedata FROM ...

You can choose to group the images by the 'category' value, using the following value for the folder name:


File naming convention
Enter the file naming convention to use for each binary file that is created.

The file naming convention can use system attributes, like the record number or column number. It can also use the values of text columns that were retrieved as part of the SQL query.

Click on the ... button to open the File Naming Convention dialog to easily set up the naming convention.
Generate unique names for duplicates
Select this option when your naming convention may result in duplicate file names, and you want SQL Image Viewer to adjust the file name to make it unique.

SQL Image Viewer does this by appending a number after the file name.

Overwrite existing files
Select this option if any existing binary file of the same name should be overwritten with the current file.

Don't append extension
Select this option if the naming convention you enter already contains a valid file name complete with the right extension.


Select Excel data export options

To export the result set to an Excel spreadsheet, you must first select the 'Export data to Excel spreadsheet and/or text file' item on the 'Select items to export' page.  

Insert hyperlinks to image/binary data
Select this option if you want to insert hyperlinks in the Excel spreadsheet to the image/binary data that is exported.

Hyperlink value
Enter the hyperlink value that will be used in the spreadsheet to link to the exported images/binary data. You can use relative path values instead of fixed path values, so that you do not need to preserve the same folder structure when using the hyperlinks on different workstations.

E.g. the hyperlink value '.\images\<FILENAMEONLY>' will create hyperlinks to the items in the 'images' subfolder under the folder where the spreadsheet file is stored.

Use the <FILENAME> tag if you want to use the fully qualified file name of the exported item.

Hyperlink text
This is the text that is displayed in the spreadsheet for the hyperlink. In addition to fixed text, you can use 2 tags:

<FILENAME> which is the fully qualified file name of the exported item
<FILENAMEONLY> which is the file name of the exported ite,

Export to Excel spreadsheet
Select this option if you want to export the query results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Excel file name
Enter the name of the file to save the Excel spreadsheet under. You can use the <DATETIME> tag to dynamically name the file.

E.g. if the current date time is September 8, 2011 14:00:

'g:\export\<DATETIME:yyyymmdd>.xls' returns 'g:\export\20110908.xls'
'g:\export\<DATETIME:yyyymmdd hhnn>.xls' returns 'g:\export\20110908 1400.xls'

See here for the list of possible date time formatting values.

Create multiple worksheets
Select this option if you want to create multiple worksheets in the same workbook.

Create multiple files
Select this option if you want to create multiple Excel workbooks, each with a single worksheet of data.

Export to text file
Select this option if you want to export the query results to a text file.

Text file name
Enter the name of the file to save the text file under. You can use the <DATETIME> tag to dynamically name the file.

E.g. if the current date time is September 8, 2011 14:00:

'g:\export\<DATETIME:yyyymmdd>.xls' returns 'g:\export\20110908.xls'
'g:\export\<DATETIME:yyyymmdd hhnn>.xls' returns 'g:\export\20110908 1400.xls'

See here for the list of possible date time formatting values.

Tab delimited
Select this option if the values in the text file should be tab delimited.

Comma delimited
Select this option if the values in the text file should be comma delimited.

Select post-processing file options

You can run external applications to process the exported image/binary files on this page. In the example above, we are using the Ghostscript command line application to convert PDF files exported from our database, into TIFF files.  
There are four tags you can use to provide the exported file names and also to build the output file names using the external application.  
If your exported files are stored in folders where there are spaces, remember to encode the file name parameters in double quotes, e.g.  

Click on the Finish
button to start the export process. A progress dialog is then displayed, and the status of the export process is constantly updated. You can cancel the export process anytime by clicking on the Cancel button.
