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Global variables
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Global variables

SQL File Import defines a few global variables in the scripting engine, that can be used to retrieve and set additional details regarding the import process.
Variable name
This is the type of operation to perform on the row during the import process. Allowed values are as follows:

· dtInsert - indicates that this row is to be inserted  
· dtUpdate - indicates that this row is to be updated  
· dtDelete - indicates that this row is to be deleted  

For dmlUpdate and dmlDelete types, at least one target column needs to have the IsKeyField value set to True.

Default value is dtInsert.

Set this value to True if you want SQL File Import to skip this row during the import.

Default value is False.

This is the current row number for the source data row that's being processed. It is incremented by SQL File Import for each new row.

This is a global array of 100 variants that you can use to store any additional details you want.