568-3-53 (3rd Floor) Kompleks Mutiara 3 1/2 Mile, Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 6012-9714904
Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Yohz Software, a division of Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners

3.0 Viewing

After running your search query, any images matching your search criteria is returned in the results window. For this section, we will work with the search results returned by this query: modality IN ('US', 'MR')


Tabular layout

This is the tabular row-column layout, where each row represents a different image, and each column represents the image tag values and also internal DICOM Search field values (when retrieved). You can copy the source files for each returned row and you can also export the tabular layout to Excel spreadsheets, HTML slideshows, and text files. Another way of viewing the search results is the patient/study/series layout, which you select by clicking on the Viewer tab at the bottom of the tabular layout page. Now let’s explore the layout that you are probably more familiar with - the patient/study/series hierarchical layout.


568-3-53 (3rd Floor) Kompleks Mutiara 3 1/2 Mile, Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 6012-9714904
Copyright © 2005 - 2020 Yohz Software, a division of Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners

3.0 Viewing

After running your search query, any images matching your search criteria is returned in the results window. For this section, we will work with the search results returned by this query: modality IN ('US', 'MR')


Tabular layout

This is the tabular row-column layout, where each row represents a different image, and each column represents the image tag values and also internal DICOM Search field values (when retrieved). You can copy the source files for each returned row and you can also export the tabular layout to Excel spreadsheets, HTML slideshows, and text files. Another way of viewing the search results is the patient/study/series layout, which you select by clicking on the Viewer tab at the bottom of the tabular layout page. Now let’s explore the layout that you are probably more familiar with - the patient/study/series hierarchical layout.