Set import settings for CSV file

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Once you have selected your CSV file, Easy Excel Analysis will start the import wizard.








File encoding

Select your CSV file encoding type here.


Detect byte order mark (BOM)

Select this option if your CSV file contains a byte order mark.


Ignore empty lines

Select this option if your CSV file contains empty lines that you don't want Easy Excel Analysis to treat as rows with blank data.


ASCII only

Select this option if you want Easy Excel Analysis to ignore all non-ASCII characters in the file.


Ignore special characters

When the ASCII only option is selected, character codes below ASCII value 32 and above ASCII value 126 are treated as special characters.  Select this option if you want Easy Excel Analysis to ignore these characters when loading the data from your CSV file.


File does not contain a header line

Select this option if your file does not contain a header line.  Easy Excel Analysis will assign names your columns instead.


Field separator

Select the character used to delimit fields in your CSV file.


Field values are quoted using _

If each field is quoted using a character, select this option and enter the quote character here.


Skip first _ rows

If your CSV file contains non-data rows before your data rows, enter the number of rows to skip here.




To check if Easy Excel Analysis can read your CSV data correctly, click on the Preview button.  The preview panel will then show how your data will be loaded and read.

