File tags

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The following are the tags you can use as part of your file naming convention.






Returns the current source PDF file name.


E.g. source PDF file name is g:\invoices\INV0010.pdf


<FILENAME> returns INV0010.pdf



Returns the current source PDF file name without the file extension.


E.g. source PDF file name is g:\invoices\INV0010.pdf


<FILENAME_NOEXT> returns INV0010



Returns the current page number of the PDF file being processed.  A formatting option is also available, by adding a suffix.


e.g. current page number is 5


<PAGENUMBER> returns 5

<PAGENUMBER:00> returns 05

<PAGENUMBER:0000> returns 0005



Returns the current iindex of the mage being processed.  A formatting option is also available, by adding a suffix.


e.g. current image index is 8


<IMAGEINDEX> returns 8

<IMAGEINDEX:00> returns 08

<IMAGEINDEX:0000> returns 0008



You can also use the <FILENAME_NOEXT> tag as part of the folder name.  For example, if you want to separate the exported elements into sub-folders using the original file name, you can use something like this as the folder name:

