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Define column formats

SQL Spreadsheets uses the default Excel formatting type for all columns, except for date/time data, where it uses the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.

Note that for numbers, you must use , as the thousands separator, and . as the decimal separator, when defining the column formats in SQL Spreadsheets. Excel will use the correct separators based on your regional settings, but the format type you enter in SQL Spreadsheets must use , and . as the thousands and decimal separators respectively.

If you want to define a different format for your columns, click on the Column formats


Enter the format type you want to use. If you want to use the General
Excel format type, leave the format value blank. In the example below, we want to use the #.##0,00 € format type for the UnitPrice and LineTotal columns.


To find out the Excel format type, you can use Excel to first enter some test values, then select the Format Cells


Select the format type you want to use.


Click on the Custom
option to see how the format type is defined. Use this same value in SQL Spreadsheets, except for numbers, where you must use , as the thousands separator and . as the decimal separator.
