Searching file annotations

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One important difference between searching annotations and file content is that the annotation search does not treat each word you enter as a separate word, and you cannot use the AND, OR, NOT, NEAR operators.  You can however perform prefix, suffix, and wildcard searches.


Enter each word or phrase you want to search for on a different line e.g.




will return all files containing just the words important or urgent in any free text or text annotations.


You can use wildcard characters to perform prefix (e.g. important*) or suffix (e.g. *important) searches, and also wildcard searches (e.g. *important*) .  E.g.




will return all files containing any free text or text annotations:


containing the word important

starts with the word urgent

ends with the word attention



To search for a phrase, enter the phrase on a line e.g.




will return all files containing free text or text annotations containing the phrase important client.