SQL File Import online help Prev Page Prev Page
About SQL File Import
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Using SQL File Import
Home page
Task Wizard
Select source data
Files as source data
CSV source data files
Excel source data files
Enter file search patterns
Connect to database
Conecting to databases directly without client libraries installed
Connecting to an Oracle database
Database scripts
Select table to upload into
Map data to table columns
Review script results
Transaction options
Logging options
Run task
Scheduling a task
Global variables
OnBeforeUpload function
OnAfterUpload function
Support functions
Data functions
Log functions
String functions
Date and time functions
Date-Time format strings
File functions

Select source data

On this page, enter a description for the task so that you can identify the purpose of the task. The description is also displayed on the home page.


Next, select the source data type. If you are only importing files into your database, select the Files
item. SQL File Import will then look in the folders you entered to find matching files, and import those files into your database. If you need to import additional details into your database, for e.g. the file name, you can still do so by using scripts. See the Demo 1 sample task on how to perform this.

If you need to import files and other data into your database, you can prepare a comma-separated values (CSV) file (using semi-colons as the value separator), and use that file as the source for the upload. You can also prepare the data in an Excel spreadsheet. Depending on the option you choose, select the appropriate item in the source data type option, and enter the name of the CSV of Excel file.

If your CSV files uses a different delimiter, enter this delimiter symbol in the text box so that SQL File Import parses the CSV file correctly.

For CSV and Excel source files, you can choose to delete or move the file once the import process has completed.

If you choose to move the file to a folder, enter the folder name in the area below:
