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51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
6012 9714904
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Extract images and files from OLE
Object fields with
Access OLE Export
extract embedded images from OLE Object fields
extract OLE packages and OLE documents
supports Access 2000 to Access 2016 OLE Object fields
supports Access, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL,
SQL Server, SQL Server Compact, SQLite, and ODBC
data sources
Do you have a database that stores files and images in OLE
Object-type fields, and you now want to extract the items from
those fields? We know the pain in wanting to do that - either
use Access to extract the items individually, or pay the original
software vendor lots of money (if they’re still in business) to
extract the files or images.
With Access OLE Export, extracting files from OLE Object fields
could not be easier. It takes only 4 steps.
STEP 1: Create a new project and enter a description for this
export task. You can reuse the settings for subsequent exports.
STEP 2: Select the database you want to extract your items
from. This could be an Access database, or any other
supported database engines, like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL,
or PostgreSQL.
STEP 3: Once connected to your database, select the table
you want to extract your files from. You can also enter a SQL
query to retrieve the items you want to export.
STEP 4: Enter the folder you want to store the exported
items in, together with the naming convention for the exported
And you’re done!
There may be embedded items where Access OLE Export is
unable to extract the data. This may be because we have not
yet added support for the OLE application used to embed
those items. In these cases, Access OLE Export will simply
extract the stored data with an .ole extension.
In these situations, send us a couple of those .ole files (to and we will investigate and add support for
those file types where possible.