Version history

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Version 5.5 (19 October 2024)

Miscellaneous GUI improvements.


Version 5.4 (20 September 2024)

·Added support to export DICOM series to AVI movie files.


Version 5.3 (10 February 2024)


Added support to add IR87 tag values.

Miscellaneous GUI improvements to the tags anonymization process.



Version 5.2 (10 May 2023)


Added ChatGPT interaction window.



Version 5.1 (8 March 2023)


Added option to add headers to stored measurements.

Added option to create any rectangular area as a stored measurement.

Added option to edit the stored measurements text.



Version 5.0 (28 February 2023)


Added freehand annotations feature to better support touch pen-based annotations.

Added a basic anonymization option.

Improved magnification feature by sizing it depending on the image, and the default location is now in the center of the image.

Improved the folder/file browser to select folders/files.

Added option to create contact sheets when exporting multiple images to PDF or JPEG formats.

The toolbar icon sizes can now be customized.

Miscellaneous GUI improvements.



Version 4.12 (December 24 - 26 2022)


Added option to add notes to series.

Improved display of main menu on Windows 11.

Fixed icons to scale better on high-dpi screens.

Fixed placement of some controls in the Burn images to CD/DVD wizard.

Miscellaneous GUI improvements.



Version 4.11 (December 10 2022)


Added option to create redaction templates.



Version 4.10 (December 8 2022)


Fixed bug where multi-frame images could not be exported.

Fixed bug where some image functions fail to work when the frames window is hidden.



Version 4.9 (December 4 2022)


Improved Word and RTF formats for measurements reports.

Added PDF, Powerpoint, HTML, and TIFF formats for measurement reports.

Hiding/showing the frames panel now applies to all windows, and images are automatically resized.

Maximizing a single window now causes the image to be automatically resized.

Fixed bug where the windows are sometimes not synced correctly when scrolling through frames.

Fixed bug where double-clicking to close a polygon measurement also activated the sync mode.

Fixed bug where copying the current image to the clipboard results in some artifacts.



Version 4.8 (November 9 2022)


Fixed bug where selecting from a collapsed patient history list does not display the selected series.

Fixed bug where selecting from the patient history list sometimes results in the application hanging.

Fixed the redaction function where saving to DICOM files now preserves the HU values.



Version 4.7 (October 26 2022)


Added option to sort patient history listing by study date.

Added series status attribute.

Fixed bug where the patient and image tags were not refreshed when a new slice is selected.

Fixed bug where the tag filter is not applied when a new image file is selected in the DICOM tags viewer.

Fixed bug where single-frame and multi-frame images from the same study were not displayed correctly.



Version 4.6 (October 4 2022)


Added ruler customization options to change the ruler scale and label frequencies.



Version 4.5 (September 27 2022)


Fixed bug where tags were not anonymized using the anonymization tool.



Version 4.4 (September 1 2022)


Added compression and 16-bit grayscale options to image converter tool.

View DICOM tags tool and image converter tool now recall the last selected folder.



Version 4.3 (August 14 2022)


Added presenter mode options to customize the presenter mode.

When an image is selected, the corresponding thumbnail in the patient listing is now selected.

Added additional keyboard and mouse shortcuts, listed here.

Fixed bug where tags list coloring was wrong for the dark and gray color schemes.

Fixed bug where playing a sequence of images using transitions displays only 2 images.

Fixed the help context links for the Application preferences pages.



Version 4.2 (August 3 2022)


Added a tool option to create a zip archive using the active set of images.

When activating the presenter mode, the cursor position is now highlighted in yellow.



Version 4.1 (July 19 2022)


A patient history list is now displayed using details from previously loaded files.

Added presenter mode to make it easier to anonymize images during presentations or screen sharing sessions.

Double-clicking on an image now toggles the synchronization state.

Active synchronization state is now indicated by a green title bar.

Missing files are now indicated by a red title bar.

Fixed bug where the action to open the last frame was not working.

Fixed bug where the frame action buttons were inconsistently displayed.

Fixed bug where the patient details and image tags were wrongly displayed for missing files.

Fixed bug where ISO 2022 IR 87 values were not displayed correctly.



Version 4.0 (June 26 2022)


Easy DICOM Viewer now uses a table layout to improve the display of multiple images.

Added a Tools menu to place all standalone DICOM tools under one section.

Added CD/DVD burning option.

Added a standalone DICOM tags anonymizer/modifier tool.

Added a standalone DICOM tags viewer tool.



Version 3.1 (February 25 - March 7 2022)


Added option to add elliptical measurements.

Added option to display ruler and grid lines.



Version 3.0 (February 1 2022)


Added DICOM conversion function to convert images to DICOM files.

Added function to export measurements to Excel workbooks.

Miscellaneous bug fixes and usability improvements.



Version 2.5 (January 11 2022)


Measurement lines are no longer follow the image zoom factor.

Two new identifiers (<newuid> and <uid>) are now available to generate random UUID-based UID values.

A default SUV factor for PT images is now calculated when the required tag values are available.



Version 2.4 (December 25 2021)


Redesigned the measurement functions to reflect changes in the selected slices.



Version 2.3 (December 14 2021)


Added option to redact sections of an image, which is useful when exporting the images.

Added option to edit/anonymize/remove DICOM tag values.

Fixed the bug where the window center and window width levels stayed constant instead of using the image values for multi-file images.



Version 2.2 (November 4 2021)


Scrolling the thumbnails scrollbar now also updates the main image.

Added support for DICOM images containing a dummy frame index section.

Added option to filter the displayed frames, and to copy those frames files to another folder.

Added option to display the images in inverse grayscale.



Version 2.1 (20 September 2021 - 28 October 2021)


Increased the frames scrolling speed when using the mouse.

Added annotation to add text and arrowed lines to an image.

Added option to copy the image (with measurements and annotations) to the clipboard.

Added option to export image (with measurements and annotations) to common image formats (png, jpeg, bmp, etc).

Added option to define custom window levels which can be easily applied via the number keys 2 to 0.

Added new gray color scheme.

Improved support for high-dpi screens - for best results, start the application to the intended monitor.



Version 2.0 (4 September 2021)


Added measurement mode to measure length and area, which persist across sessions.

Added option to export measurements to a Microsoft Word document.

Added windowing mode to easily change window center/level and window width values using the mouse.

Added the standard lookup color profiles - hot iron, hot metal blue, PET, PET 20 colors, and rainbow.



Version 1.0 (18 July 2021)


Easy DICOM Viewer released.