In Easy DICOM Viewer 4.8, redacting an image and saving the redacted DICOM file now preserves the HU values in the image.
DICOM images may sometimes contain patient data burned into the image e.g.
Easy DICOM Viewer lets you redact areas of the image you want to keep private using the redaction function. For example, say we want to hide the details that indicate the patient’s birth date:
You can then export the DICOM image with the redaction applied.
The modified image will preserve the original HU values and DICOM tags where possible. Note that during the export process, you can also choose to anonymize the DICOM tags.
Download a 14-day trial of Easy DICOM Viewer now and experience how easy it is to redact your images and anonymize the DICOM tags.
Easy DICOM Viewer is a collaborative effort between LISIT, Co., Ltd. and Yohz Software. To learn more about Easy DICOM Viewer or download a trial, please use this link. If you are in Japan, please use this link instead.
See also: