Using Easy DICOM Viewer, you can easily convert images (in bmp, jpg, png, gif, tif formats) to DICOM images. To start the conversion, click on the Convert images tab in Easy DICOM Viewer.
Select your images from the file browser in the bottom pane, and drag and drop them into the upper pane.
You can reorder the frames in the DICOM image simply by dragging and dropping each image to their intended location. To convert the images to DICOM images, click on the Create DICOM file button.
In the Save DICOM Image window, enter the DICOM image file name. You can also choose to create a single DICOM file with multiple frames, or one DICOM file for each frame.
Click on the OK button to create the DICOM file.
You can also add DICOM tag values for the new DICOM files.
You can use the values from any tag templates you already have in Easy DICOM Viewer, to easily fill in the values.
Download a 14-day trial now of Easy DICOM Viewer and easily convert your images to DICOM files with the tag values you require.
Easy DICOM Viewer is a collaborative effort between LISIT, Co., Ltd. and Yohz Software. To learn more about Easy DICOM Viewer or download a trial, please use this link. If you are in Japan, please use this link instead.