Tag Archives: DICOM search parameters

Easy DICOM Search – search parameters examples

Working with text values

Search for exact text:

(Image.Tag('0008,0060') = 'CT')

matches CT but not ct, Ct, cT.

Search for multiple exact text:

(Image.Tag('0008,0060') In ['CT', 'MR'])

matches CT and MR, but not ct, Ct, cT, mr, Mr, mR.

Search for multiple text values (case-insensitive):

(Image.Tag('0008,0060').Match('CT, MR'))

matches CT, MR, ct, Ct, cT, mr, Mr, mR.

Search for multiple text values (case-insensitive):

(Image.Tag('0008,0060').Match('CT, MR'))

matches CT, MR, ct, Ct, cT, mr, Mr, mR.

Search for partial text matches (case-insensitive):


matches ‘Hospital of Columbia’, ‘Columbia Hospital’

Search for multiple partial text matches (case-insensitive):

(Image.Tag('0008,0080').Contain('hospital, research'))

matches ‘Hospital of Columbia’, ‘Columbia Hospital’, ‘Columbia Research Institute’, ‘Research Institute of Columbia’

Search for values starting with a specific text (case-insensitive):


matches ‘Hospital of Columbia’ but not ‘Columbia Hospital’.

Search for values starting with multiple specific text (case-insensitive):

(Image.Tag('0008,0080').StartWith('hospital, research'))

matches ‘Hospital of Columbia’, ‘Research Institute of Columbia’, but not ‘Columbia Hospital’, ‘Columbia Research Institute’.

Search for values ending with a specific text (case-insensitive):


matches ‘Columbia Hospital’ but not ‘Hospital of Columbia’.

Search for values ending with multiple specific text (case-insensitive):

(Image.Tag('0008,0080').EndWith('hospital, research'))

matches ‘Columbia Hospital’, ‘Columbia Research Institute’ but not ‘Hospital of Columbia’, ‘Research Institute of Columbia’.

Search for inequality values:

(Image.Tag('0008,0060') <> 'CT')

matches any value but CT.

Reverse the results of the ‘inner’ parameters:

(NOT (Image.Tag('0008,0060') = 'CT'))

Working with numbers

Match a specific value:

(Image.Tag('0010,1030') = 50)

Match one value from a list of values:

(Image.Tag('0010,1030') IN [30,33,36,39])

Match value using comparison operators:

(Image.Tag('0010,1030') > 50)
(Image.Tag('0010,1030') >= 50)
(Image.Tag('0010,1030') < 50)
(Image.Tag('0010,1030') <= 50)
(Image.Tag('0010,1030') <> 50)

Match a range of values:

(Image.Tag('0010,1030').BETWEEN(30, 60))

Reverse the results of the ‘inner’ parameters.

(NOT (Image.Tag('0010,1030').BETWEEN(30, 60)))

Working with date and time values

Dates are represented in the [year][month][day] format, so February 14, 2024 is represented as 20240214.  You then write your search parameters the same way as you would for numbers e.g.

(Image.Tag('0008,0020') = 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') > 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') >= 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') < 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') <= 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') <> 20240214)
(Image.Tag('0008,0020') IN [20240214, 20241108]
(Image.Tag('0008,0020').BETWEEN(20240214, 20250214))

Similarly, time is represented in the [hour][minutes][second] format, so 10:30.24 PM is represented as 223024.  You then write your search parameters the same way as you would for numbers.

Working with patient age (AS-type)

Patient age can be returned in a variety of values.

Image.PatientAge – returns the age in years
Image.PatientAgeInDays – returns the age in years
Image.PatientAgeInWeeks – returns the age in weeks
Image.PatientAgeInMonths – returns the age in months

The returned values are number values, and you can then use the same search parameters for numbers e.g.

(Image.PatientAge = 50)
(Image.PatientAgeInDays >= 180)
(Image.PatientAgeInWeeks.BETWEEN(15, 30)
(Image.PatientAgeInMonths < 10)

Easy DICOM Search is the easiest tool you can use to search your DICOM image collection, and the most flexible in how you can work with the search results.

Download a 14-day trial of Easy DICOM Search now.  A 12-months license costs USD 45, and includes 12 months of support and updates.

See also: