Author Archives: bloggyadmin

Filtering libraries in Easy PDF Search

In Easy PDF Search 7.4, you can now filter the list of displayed libraries.  Say we have the following category and library structure:

To display only the PostgreSQL related libraries, we enter postgresql in the Filter libraries area.

Partial searches are also possible e.g.

To filter on multiple values, enter each word separated by a space e.g.

In the above example, Easy PDF Search will display all libraries containing the words postgresql or arduino.

If you need to filter phrases, enclose the phrase in double quotes e.g.

In this case, only libraries containing the word postgresql admin or arduino are displayed.

Download a 14-day trial of Easy PDF Search now and start searching your PDF files fast and work with the search results easily.

Export database images to Excel

SQL Image Viewer (Professional edition) helps you export your database images to Excel in a variety of ways.  You can display images inline together with the other column values:

or as a link to the exported images:

or as inline images with links to the exported images:

Steps to export your images to Excel

We first enter the query to retrieve the images and any other fields we want to export to Excel e.g.

Next, click on the Export all data button and select the Export to Excel option:

If you have multiple data sets, you can select which data set(s) you want to export.  In our example, we only have a single data set.

On the next page, enter the column containing the images if not already entered by SQL Image Viewer.

We then select how to display the images in the Excel worksheet.  You can display the images in the worksheet itself:

or as a link in the worksheet, where the images will be exported to disk and the link will open. those images:

or as both inline images and a link:

Download a free 14-day trial

Download a 14-day trial of SQL Image Viewer now and start exporting your database images  and data into Excel worksheets in a few simple steps.

Searching on DJI drone tag values

Easy Photo Search 2.2 and newer now stores the following tag values from DJI drone photos:

  • GPS longitude
  • GPS latitude
  • relative latitude
  • absolute altitude
  • gimbal roll degree
  • gimbal pitch degree
  • gimbal yaw degree
  • gimbal reverse
  • flight roll degree
  • flight pitch degree
  • flight yaw degree
  • cam reverse

To search on these tag values, click on the Add attribute button on the toolbar, then select the DJI values you want to search on.

The DJI tag values are also automatically displayed in the tag values window when you select the photo from the search results.

Finally, you can customize the information profiles to display the DJI tag values.

Download and use a 14-day trial of Easy Photo Search now to search your photos based on EXIF values easily.

ChatGPT integration

We recently added the option to ‘chat’ with ChatGPT in Easy DICOM Viewer and Easy PDF Search, as these 2 products are used in research settings and having the ability to obtain answers from ChatGPT within the product was a useful feature.

What advantage does our ChatGPT integration offer over simply opening a browser session and connecting to the ChatGPT server?

Chat session organization

You can start multiple chat sessions and organize them by categories.   You can define as many categories and start as many chat sessions as you require.

Chat session persistence

All your chat sessions are automatically restored when you open the application.  This ensures you never lose any of your previous chat responses.

Customizable display

There are also various settings you can use to customize and display the chat session.

Per-chat settings

For each chat session, you can change settings like the maximum tokens, input language and response temperature.

This gives you better control over how ChatGPT responds to your queries.

Multi-language support

You can use different languages in our ChatGPT integration.  We use Google Translate to translate your questions and the responses.  For e.g. this is a sample chat session where the questions were entered in Japanese, and the responses translated to Japanese from English.

Of course, you can also choose to display the English translations.

If you want to give our ChatGPT integration a try, download a free 14-day trial of Easy PDF Search or Easy DICOM Viewer now.

See also:


Getting your ChatGPT API key

To use the ChatGPT UI in our products, you need to provide an API token.

You will need to first create an account with OpenAI, using this URL (

Once your account has been created and validated, open this URL ( to create your API token.

Click on the account settings on the top right, then click on the View API keys item.

On the next page, click on the Create new secret key button to generate a new key.

Enter a description for the key, then click on the Create secret key button:

A new key is then created for you.

Copy and paste this value into the API token field in the Chat Settings window.

See also:


Advanced hotspot settings in Easy PDF Search

Easy PDF Search now lets you share your index database with even more users and control access at a finer level with the Standard Edition license.

So say you’ve indexed tens of thousands of your PDF files.  Instead of each user in your company indexing the same files and having the same database on their machine, you can now share your index database with as many users as your hardware can support.

The Basic Edition license allows you to share your database with up to 2 remote users and has basic hotspot functionality.

The Standard Edition license lets you set up roles which controls access to your libraries:

and users which allows you to define different logins and assign roles to each user.

You can also set up a self-signed certificate to encrypt your connections using SSL for improved security.

If you’re concerned that your users may overload your machine with their search requests, you can define a limit to the number of result rows returned.

If this limit is reached when your users perform a search, a message so that they are aware that the search results have been truncated.

So if you need to share your index database with more than 2 users or require better control over security and access to your libraries, the Standard Edition license will meet those requirements.

Download a 14-day trial of Easy PDF Search now and experience how easy it is to share your index database and help your users perform lightning-quick searches on your PDF collection.

Creating contact sheets in Easy DICOM Viewer

In Easy DICOM Viewer 5, you can now create contact sheets from images containing multiple slices/frames.

Say we have a series containing 94 slices.

We want to export all 94 images into a single PNG file.  When we choose the Export Image action, we select the Create contact sheet option.

Once exported, our PNG file looks like this:

You have full control over how the images are rendered.  You define how many columns to use, the size of each image, the background color, and the footer value.

What exactly is the footer value?  It’s whatever value you want displayed at the bottom of each image.  It can be static text, which isn’t very useful, or it can be one or more DICOM tag values.

For e.g. let’s say we want to display the slice location at the bottom of each image.  The tag we want is 0020, 1041.  We simply enter this value as the footer value e.g.

When we now export the PNG contact sheet, the slice location is displayed on the bottom of each thumbnail.

We could of course add some label to the value.  Say we add the label Location: to the value e.g.

resulting in this:

Download a 14-day trial of Easy DICOM Viewer now, and see how you can easily identify which images require your attention.

Easy DICOM Viewer is a collaborative effort between LISIT, Co., Ltd. and Yohz Software.  To learn more about Easy DICOM Viewer or download a trial, please use this link.  If you are in Japan, please use this link instead.

See also:

Anonymization options in Easy DICOM Viewer

Easy DICOM Viewer can be used to anonymize DICOM tag values in your DICOM files.  There are 3 options you can select:

Anonymize basic patient information

This option anonymizes the most basic DICOM tags, which are the following:

  • patient’s name (0010, 0010)
  • patient ID (0010, 0020)
  • patient birth date (0010, 0030)
  • patient’s age (0010, 1010)
  • patient’s sex (0010, 0040)
  • comment (0010, 4000)
  • institution name (0008, 0080)
  • institution address (0008, 0081)
  • institution department (0008, 1040)
  • Issuer of Patient ID (0010, 0021)
  • study description (0008, 1030)
  • series description (0008, 103E)
  • operator’s name (0008, 1070)
  • referring physician’s name (0008, 0090)
  • physician(s) of record (0008, 1048)

Anonymize top level tags using NEMA specification

This option anonymizes tags using the recommendations outlined in this link –

Compared to the basic anonymization option above, this option anonymizes a lot more details.

Apply tags template

This option lets you apply a tags template to the selected images.  A tags template is a set of changes you want to apply to the DICOM tags.  You can create multiple templates for different purposes e.g. one template to modify certain tags to a specific value, another template to erase only patient details, and yet another tag to modify all patient, doctor and study details.

The Preview window will then show you how the tag values would appear in the modified images.

These 3 options give you complete flexibility as to how you want to anonymize the DICOM tags in your images.

Download a 14-day trial of Easy DICOM Viewer now, and see how you can easily identify which images require your attention.

Easy DICOM Viewer is a collaborative effort between LISIT, Co., Ltd. and Yohz Software.  To learn more about Easy DICOM Viewer or download a trial, please use this link.  If you are in Japan, please use this link instead.

See also:

Improvements for stored measurements in Easy DICOM Viewer 5.1

In Easy DICOM Viewer, stored measurements are displayed in the Measurements panel on the right.

In version 5.1, you can now add headers to this panel, to group the stored measurements e.g.

Click on the Add header button on the Measurements toolbar to create your headers.

You can now also edit the stored measurement details e.g.

For now, you are limited to 8 lines of text.  We will improve this if there are user requests.

When you then export the measurements to Word or HTML pages, the headers and custom text are displayed accordingly.

Download a 14-day trial of Easy DICOM Viewer now, and see how you can easily identify which images require your attention.

Easy DICOM Viewer is a collaborative effort between LISIT, Co., Ltd. and Yohz Software.  To learn more about Easy DICOM Viewer or download a trial, please use this link.  If you are in Japan, please use this link instead.

See also:

Easy PDF Search ‘hotspot’

We added a ‘hotspot’ feature to Easy PDF Search to help you share your PDF index easily with other users.  We originally wanted to call it the ‘application server function’, but felt that ‘hotspot’ was a more user-friendly and recognisable name, and users would be familiar with the hotspot analogy on smartphones.

Setting up a hotspot

The hotspot function essentially shares your Easy PDF Search database with up to 2 other users.  When you set up a hotspot, you enter the port you want to open and the password.

Connecting to a hotspot

Once you have set up your hotspot, your users can connect to your hotspot using your computer name/IP address, port, and password.

Restrictions when searching a hotspot database

Your users can only search your existing index.  They will not be able to index any new files in your libraries.

This reduces the possibility of users indexing your PDF files unnecessarily.  For the user hosting the hotspot database, you can still index the new PDF files.

Let us know what you think of the hotspot feature, and any suggestions you may have.

The above feature area available in the Easy PDF Search Basic Edition.  For more advanced sharing options, you will require the Standard Edition.

You can download a 14-day trial of Easy PDF Search here, and experience for yourself how easy it is to search you PDF file collection, and share the index database with other users.